(STIBA.ac.id) Surakarta – The Islamic Economics and Sharia Law Program is the newest program at STIBA Makassar and therefore lacks adequate experience in its management. This is the reason behind the benchmarking visit to the Islamic Economics and Sharia Law Program (HES) at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS).
The delegation arrived at UMS at 1:30 PM and was divided into two teams. The first team visited the Quality Assurance Institute of UMS to better understand the quality assurance methods at the third-best international Islamic university. This team consisted of the Vice Chairman II, Vice Chairman IV, Head of the Quality Assurance Center, Program Coordinator for Comparative Jurisprudence, Head of the Finance Department, and Head of the Alumni Empowerment Department.
One key point of the benchmarking visit to the Quality Assurance Institute (LJM) at UMS was the vital function of internal institution auditors. Therefore, STIBA considered it important to conduct training to produce auditors.
The second team, led by the Chairman of STIBA, was welcomed by the Vice Dean II of the Faculty of Islamic Religion, Drs. Suharjianto, M.Ag., the Program Coordinator of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Sharia Law, Fauzul Hanif Noor Athief, Lc, M.Si., the Program Coordinator of the HES Master’s Program, Dr. Isman, S.H.I., S.H., M.H., and other officials.
In addition to gaining additional insights and knowledge related to the management of the HES program, STIBA Makassar also received good news from the Coordinator of the HES Master’s Program, Dr. Isman M.H.I. He offered a 25% discount and assistance in completing the final study for STIBA alumni who want to continue their studies in the international-class HES Master’s Program, which uses Arabic as the medium of instruction.
At 4:15 PM, the delegation left UMS for Yogyakarta, where they arrived at 5:50 PM and were hosted for dinner by one of STIBA Makassar’s alumni, Ustaz Alfi Syahar, Lc., M.A.
At 8:00 PM, a combined Tarbiah session was held at the Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque in Bantul, facilitated by Ustaz Muhammad Yusran Anshar.