The Social Department of Dema STIBA Makassar, in collaboration with Markaz Bilquran Ihtada, is distributing free Qur’ans to several Islamic boarding schools, mosques, Islamic education centers (TPA), and study circles (majelis taklim) in Gowa, Maros, and Makassar.
This program aims to eradicate Qur’an illiteracy, which is currently a problem among Muslims. According to a survey by the Institute of Qur’anic Studies (IIQ) in Jakarta, 72.25% of Muslims cannot read the Qur’an. Therefore, the Social Department of Dema STIBA Makassar is making a breakthrough to address this issue by providing guidance and supervision gradually as a follow-up to the Qur’an Distribution activity.
This initiative began on March 7, 2024, and has already distributed Qur’ans to various Islamic boarding schools and study circles in different regions, especially in Sulawesi Island.
So far, this initiative has distributed 250 copies of the Qur’an, and the number continues to increase with the support of donors and the team working together with relevant parties to achieve the target.
The Social Department of Dema STIBA Makassar invites everyone to contribute to this initiative to eradicate Qur’an illiteracy. Donations can be channeled through:
BSI Bank
Account Number: BSI (451) 7199 8199 38
In the name of: Dema STIBA Makassar