(STIBA.ac.id) Maros – The Work Practice Program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata/KKN) VI students of STIBA in Moncongloe sub-district collaborated with the Muslimah Wahdah Branch (MWC) Moncongloe to hold a Grand Muslimah Study (Pengajian Akbar Muslimah/PAM) for the sub-district. The activity, which was combined with the inauguration of the Muslimah Wahdah Branch in Moncongloe, was held at the Baiturrahman Mosque in Je’netallasa Hamlet, Bonto Bunga Village, on Sunday (12/2/2023).
The Grand Muslimah Study titled “Attaining Blessings with Al-Qur’an” was held as a means for the community to understand a more blessed life with Al-Qur’an and the importance of learning Al-Qur’an.
Ustazah Andi Mirnawati S.Pd., M.Pd., as the speaker and supervisor of LKPM MWW South Sulawesi, delivered a message to 109 Muslimah attendees at this Grand Muslimah Study that a mother is the first madrasah (school) for her children. Therefore, a mother should be able to read Al-Qur’an well so that blessings can come down to the houses that often recite Al-Qur’an in them.
“Therefore, the presence of KKN VI students from STIBA Makassar in Moncongloe sub-district should be welcomed with open arms. Open the doors as wide as possible to be utilized during their presence for approximately two months ahead, one of which is by actively participating in the Qur’an halakah (study circle),” she said.
Until now, KKN VI students have successfully formed 36 Qur’an halakahs in four villages, namely Moncongloe, Moncongloe Lappara, Bonto Bunga, and Bonto Marannu. There are 594 TKQ/TPQ students who are nurtured and learning at mosques spread throughout Moncongloe sub-district and KKN posts.
MWC Moncongloe expressed their hope for KKN VI students to instill a love for Al-Qur’an in the community and to provide positive influence to the community to grow their love for knowledge circles.
MWC Moncongloe also hopes that KKN students who reside in the Moncongloe area will not only engage in guidance during KKN but also collaborate to continue to carry out preaching in Moncongloe after KKN is over.