(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – One day after bidding farewell to the alumni as they embark on their respective missions in their regions, the School of Islamic Sciences and Arabic Language (STIBA) Makassar began a new chapter of lectures with the Inaugural Lecture on Monday, August 28, 2023. The event, attended by all students, including new students, as well as lecturers and educational staff, marked the start of the Academic Year 1445—1446 H/2023—2024 M.
The speaker for this Inaugural Lecture was Ustaz Dr. Khoirul Umam, M.Ec., the Vice Rector III of Darussalam Gontor University, who has extensive experience in the world of Islamic boarding schools. With his experience and expertise, Ustaz Khoirul provided insights on the theme “Character Education Based on Higher Education ala Pesantren,” discussing the importance of building strong character through higher education by adopting pesantren values.
In his opening remarks, the Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., emphasized the importance of the blessings of faith and Islam. With these two blessings, an individual can understand their position as a servant of Allah, know their vision and mission, and comprehend their purpose in being created by Allah on this earth.
“We express our gratitude because among the many people who are Muslims and have faith, Allah has chosen us to be on the path of knowledge. Where knowledge is a necessity, and as the scholars say, the need for knowledge is like our need for air,” said Ustaz Akhmad.
One of the primary goals of increasing knowledge is to overcome ignorance, both within oneself and in others. In the context of education, the Chairman of STIBA Makassar stressed the importance of the enthusiasm of teachers and institution administrators in imparting knowledge to students. He also emphasized that STIBA Makassar’s five-year strategic plan is to enhance its reputation not only nationally but also internationally.
The challenges of managing an educational institution were also acknowledged by Ustaz Akhmad. Therefore, he affirmed his commitment to strengthening the character of the students. A Character and Islamic Boarding School Development Center will be established as a concrete effort to enhance the character and morality of the students.
The proven effective residential education model will also continue to be maintained as one of the best approaches to shaping the next generation.
“We will maintain the residential education model because we believe it is one of the best models for nurturing a generation that aligns with our vision and mission,” he concluded.
The Senate Chairman, Ustaz Muhammad Yusran Anshar, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., delivered a speech and opened the Inaugural Lecture for the new academic year. In his address, Ustaz Yusran stated that a believer always leads a good life, even though they may appear poor or face hardships.
For new students, the experience on campus may be different, and there are rules to be followed. Although rules can be challenging at times, Ustaz Yusran noted that there is no intention to cause inconvenience. Rules are made as guidelines for life. Some students may have been living in Islamic boarding schools for a long time and might feel tired, but every place and time has its own unique differences.
The former chairman of STIBA Makassar also revealed that sometimes teachers may feel frustrated with some students who are difficult to manage or tend to create problems, but they can also succeed in their studies. In fact, some of them may be more enthusiastic about spreading Islamic teachings than students who appear polite and diligent in class. Therefore, Ustaz Yusran advised teachers not to get tired of guiding them because one of them may eventually lead them to paradise.
“We don’t know how Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will admit us to His paradise. Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity to do good, do good deeds, sow goodness,” Ustaz Yusran said.
This Inaugural Lecture marks a positive beginning for further developing the character and academic potential of the students. STIBA Makassar hopes that this step will have a positive impact on the field of education, especially for the academic community of STIBA Makassar.