(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The reunion of the alumni of STIBA Makassar was lively as hundreds of its alumni from all over the country and abroad crowded the virtual activity on Sunday (28/06/2020).
In addition to the alumni, lecturers, the current chairman of STIBA, there were also six former chairmen of STIBA Makassar involved in enlivening this virtual reunion.
The First former chairman of STIBA Makassar, for 1998-1999 period, Ustadz Muhammad Ikhwan Abdul Djalil, delivered the first speech for the event that also served as the official opening. The theme was “Blessed brotherhood and struggle resolve”. This was followed by enlightenment from Ustadz Ahmad Hanafi Dain Junta, the current Chairman of STIBA (7th), for the 2019-2024 period. Ustadz Ahmad brought the theme of “STIBA Makassar from Time to Time”.
Ustadz Muhammad Ihsan Zainuddin, the 2nd former Chairman of STIBA Makassar, in the 1999-2000 period, also delivered some advices and motivations for the reunion participants. “The motivations are the Memories on Earth and Afterlife Longing” was his theme in this online event.
The 3rd former STIBA Chairman, Ustadz Muhammad Yani Abdul Karim, who led STIBA during 2000-2006, was the next one. On this occasion, Ustadz Yani delivered a discussion related to the theme of “Struggle Totality in the Field of Missionary Endeavor”.
From the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the 4th former Chairman of STIBA Makassar, for the period of 2006-2008, also attended the reunion. Ustadz Salahuddin Guntung conveyed the theme of “Main Duties and Functions and Roles of the STIBA Makassar Alumni Association in the New Normal Era”.
The alumni reunion was boosted further with the presence of the 5th former Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Ustadz Ilham Jaya Abdurrauf. He led STIBA in the period of 2008-2009. The theme he delivered was “Care for the Awakening Fervor of the People with Missionary Endeavor and Islamic Education”.
“Starting from STIBA and finishing in Heaven (Min Huna Nabda ‘wa fil Jannati Naltaqi Insya Allah) was the theme of the last enlightenment. This speech was delivered by the 6th former Chairman of STIBA, who was also the longest leader (2009-2019), Ustadz Muhammad Yusran Anshar.
At the end of the reunion, Chairman of the DPP Wahdah Islamiyah, Ustadz Muhammad Zaitun Rasmin, was pleased to join the alumni participants. The organizing committee took advantage of Ustadz Zaitun’s presence by asking him to deliver some advices.
Ustadz Zaitun invited all alumni to combine science and manners. These two things are the main elements in the formation of mission cadres, especially scholars. Since the era of the Prophet Muhammad, may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, knowledge and manners have always been their pride and have become goals and assets in their struggle.
Translated by A. Alif A. Hamzah
Editor: Suryadin Abdillah