(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – STIBA Makassar’s Public Relations Department has once again established friendly relations with parents of STIBA Makassar students in the Students’ Parents Gathering. The recitation entitled Building Children’s Awareness was conducted online via Zoom Meeting and STIBA TV YouTube Channel, Sunday (18/12/2022).
This activity presented a speaker who has concern, concern, and concerns about the development and supervision of children, Ustaz Drs. Miftahul Jinan, M.Pd.I. He is also the Director of Griya Parenting Indonesia.
Head of STIBA Ustaz Dr. Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A. officially opened this study. In his remarks, he expressed his gratitude for being able to invite the mentor of the hostel’s supervisor as a speaker.
“We once sent musyrif dormitories to take part in his training and today, alhamdulillah, he is with us,” concluded the Head of STIBA.
Head of the STIBA Dormitory Unit Ustaz Syandri, Lc., M.Ag. acted as a moderator in the activity. He mentioned that one of the author’s interesting writings was a book entitled “Alhamdulillah, My Son is Naughty.”
In the slides dissected by Ustaz Miftah, he warns against shouting at children.
“Screaming can make children carry out orders, but not because of awareness but rather our screams,” he explained.
Furthermore, the presenters also provide solutions so that children can listen to their parents’ directions.
“The condition for children to want to listen to their parents is that parents must listen to their children a lot,” he said.
The discussion session between the head of STIBA and the parents of the students closed the limited meeting which was attended by around 150 participants in the Zoom room and another 400 participated via the STIBA TV Youtube Channel.