Jakarta – Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. along with several lecturers from STIBA Makassar attended the Alumni Forum of Saudi Arabian Universities in Jakarta from Tuesday to Thursday (10-12/01/2023).

Dr. Akhmad Hanafi (Chairman of STIBA Makassar) and Dr. Rahmat Abdurrahman (lecturer at STIBA Makassar) flanked the Rector of Islamic University of Madinah, Sheikh Dr. Mamduh bin Saud bin Tsunayyan Al Saud.
The event was organized by the Islamic University of Madinah in collaboration with King Abdul Aziz University and King Faisal University.

From right to left: Ustaz Fahmi Malik (Palu), Ustaz Salman al Farisi (Medan), Ustaz Dr. Akhmad Hanafi (Chairman of STIBA Makassar), Ustaz Dr. Ali Musri (former Chairman of STDIIS Imam Syafi’i Jember), Ustaz Fathurrahman Kemal (Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Tabligh Assembly), and Dr. Usman Jafar (former Vice Rector of MEDIU in Academic Affairs).
Several officials from the Saudi Arabian government were present at this international forum, such as the Royal Advisor who is also a member of the Senior Ulama Council, Imam and Khatib of Masjidil Haram Sheikh Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah bin Humaid, Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Indonesia Isham bin Ahmad Al-Tsaqafi, and Rector of Islamic University of Madinah Sheikh Dr. Mamduh bin Saud bin Tsunayyan Al Saud.

The forum discussed four main themes. The first theme was the efforts of Saudi Arabian higher education graduates in explaining and preaching the concept of moderation, warning against the dangers of extremism, explaining Islamic tolerance, and the moderate orientation of the Saudi Arabian government.
The second theme discussed the efforts of KSA graduates in the field of developing the local communities where they live.
The third theme discussed the role of Saudi Arabian higher education graduates in developing the relationship between their home country and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Meanwhile, the fourth theme discussed the efforts of Saudi Arabian higher education graduates in the field of disseminating knowledge and information.

Dr. K.H. Muhammad Zaitun Rasmin (General Leader of DPP Wahdah Islamiyah) along with Sheikh Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah bin Humaid (Royal Advisor, member of the Senior Ulama Council, Imam and Khatib of Masjidil Haram) were also present at the forum.
The forum was attended by representatives from 13 countries, including Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Maldives, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.