(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The trust of the Muslim community in the STIBA Makassar Qurban Committee continues to grow. This is evident from the increasing number of sacrificial donors who entrust the management of their qurban animals to STIBA Makassar.
This Eid al-Adha year (1444 H/2023 M), the Qurban Committee successfully distributed 29 cows and 46 goats. Over time, from year to year, the management of qurban animals at STIBA Makassar has become increasingly professional. The qurban committee only needed one day to complete the slaughter of that many qurban animals.
Not only the committee, but most of the students who chose to celebrate Eid on campus were also involved in the qurban animal processing.
This year, two parents of students also participated in qurban by each donating a cow, all of which were gifted to STIBA Makassar. Therefore, the committee prioritized the slaughter of these two cows for the Eid consumption of the students in the dormitory.
The Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., who accompanied the committee in the field, expressed his gratitude to the sacrificial donors.
“On behalf of the Academic Community of STIBA Makassar, I express our thanks and appreciation to all the sacrificial donors who entrusted their qurban animals to STIBA Makassar this year. We pray to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala that these sacrifices are accepted by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and that their rewards are multiplied by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala,” he said.
Ustaz Akhmad also apologized if there were still any shortcomings.
“Hopefully, in the coming years, we can carry out the qurban worship better, more professionally, and certainly with the support of this year’s donors. InshaAllah, we will be together again in the coming years,” concluded the Deputy Chairman of the Wahdah Islamiyah Sharia Council on Thursday (July 28, 2023).