(STIBA.ac.id) Karanganyar – On the third day of their Study Tour, the STIBA Makassar delegation began their activities at 06:00 AM in Karanganyar, Central Java, and continued until the evening in Yogyakarta.
Led by the Chairman of STIBA, the delegation’s first visit was to Ma’had Salman al-Farisi II. The visit was received by Syekh Dr. Labib Najib Abdullah and Ustaz Abdurrahim Ba’asyir, who serve as the Chairman of the Supervisory Council and the Kyai of the Salman Al Farisi Foundation, respectively, along with several other officials, including members of the Supervisory Council and Kyai of the Foundation, the Director of the Boarding School, the Head of Ma’had Aly, and the Head of the Madrasah of Salman Al Farisi.
The main purpose of this visit was to learn from the programs implemented at Ma’had Salman al-Farisi, particularly in strengthening the understanding of Turats texts.
The Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, M.A., Ph.D., explained that STIBA operates under the auspices of the Wahdah Islamiyah organization.
“The first educational institution established by Wahdah is STIBA,” Ustaz Akhmad clarified.
Meanwhile, Syekh Labib stated that his goal is not necessarily for his students to master all branches of knowledge immediately upon leaving the Salman Pondok, but at least to show them the path of knowledge and provide them with the keys to knowledge.
“The books taught here are only Turats texts. Because those who can understand Turats texts will find it easier to understand contemporary texts,” Syekh explained.
The delegation then headed to Ma’had Isy Karima at 09:30 AM and arrived around 10:00 AM.
Present at the welcoming ceremony and MoU signing were Ustaz Syihabuddin Abdul Muiz Al-Hafizh, Chairman of the Isy Karima Social and Education Foundation, Ustaz Apip Najaruddin S.Pd.I, who serves as the Director of Ma’had, Ustaz Alif Bahtiar, M.Pd. (Assistant Director I), Ustaz Ahmad Sultoni, Lc., M.P.I. (Chairman of STIQ), along with vice chairmen and program coordinators.
The purpose of the study tour visit to STIQ was to gain more insights into the spirit of Ma’had Isy Karima, especially STIQ, in the study of the Quran, as well as in the character development and militancy of its students.
According to the explanations from STIQ representatives, one of the key factors contributing to their excellence in teaching the Quran and developing student character is their highly selective admission process, where only potential candidates are accepted as new students.
Since there was still a scheduled study tour at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS), the STIBA delegation, led by the Chairman, departed from STIQ at 11:30 AM, while the Vice Chairman III and units directly involved in student development continued discussions with the leaders of STIQ.