(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The warm atmosphere at the 6th Graduation Ceremony of STIBA Makassar was heightened by the address from the Secretary of Kopertais Region VIII, Dr. K.H. Nur Taufiq Sanusi Baco, M.Ag. In his speech, Kiai Nur Taufiq expressed his appreciation for the excellence of STIBA Makassar and provided an inspiring perspective for the future of this institution.
“Alhamdulillah, STIBA is one of the 70 higher education institutions in Region VIII, which covers Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua, that we consider to be the healthiest higher education institution,” he said, greeted by the cheers of the attendees who filled the Aula Gedung Aisyah at the Women’s Campus of STIBA Makassar on Sunday, August 20, 2023.
Kiai Nur had good reasons to bestow this accolade upon STIBA Makassar because the institution has never faced any problems until now.
However, he expressed regret that STIBA Makassar still holds the status of a college.
“I hope that this will be the last time I attend an STIBA graduation where the graduation is led by the chairman. Hopefully, the next time I attend, it will be led by the rector of the institute,” he wished, and the audience responded with a chorus of “Amin.”
In his closing remarks, the son of the late charismatic scholar from South Sulawesi, Al-Mukarram AG. K.H. Dr. (H.C.) Muhammad Sanusi Baco, B.A., Lc., M.A., quoted the advice of his late father, rahimahullah:
“My dear children! Don’t be sad because perhaps you were raised by parents who were not wealthy. But when you grow up, repay your parents not with abundant wealth, not with high positions and ranks, but by being children with good morals and character,” he concluded.
STIBA Makassar, during the 6th Graduation Ceremony, once again awarded degrees to 261 of its students, consisting of 130 male students and 131 female students.