(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – Hundreds of new students at STIBA Makassar participated in the New Student Orientation Program as part of the New Student Admission program. This event is expected to be the initial step in introducing STIBA Makassar to new students and helping them adapt to the campus and its surroundings.
During the event, the Chairman of STIBA Makassar officially opened the New Student Orientation Program for the Academic Year 1444-1445 H/2023-2024 M.
Ustaz Ishlahuddin S.Pd.I., S.H., Head of the New Student Admission Section at STIBA Makassar, provided a comprehensive introduction to the academic and non-academic activities that new students will participate in. Ustaz Ishlahuddin also emphasized that during the orientation period, students will be equipped with valuable knowledge for their physical and non-physical development.
He also encouraged new students to maintain their health during the New Student Orientation and to prepare for the start of their studies.
Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., the Chairman of STIBA Makassar, continued the program by welcoming the new students. He conveyed that the primary goal of STIBA Makassar is to produce resilient and high-quality generations of scholars.
“Welcome to this campus of da’wah and struggle. This campus was established with the aspiration to produce generations of religious scholars who will provide great benefits to society,” said Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi on Monday, August 21, 2023.
On the first day of the New Student Orientation Program at STIBA Makassar, a diverse range of topics was covered, including an overview of STIBA Makassar, Wahdah Islamiyah, portraits of scholarly figures, the Muslim personality, and campus dormitory life. The event was attended by 563 new students, consisting of 290 male students and 273 female students.
Reported by: Muh. Ibnul Mubarak