(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The Chairman of the Central Board of Wahdah Islamiyah Dr. K.H. Muhammad Zaitun Rasmin, M.A. delivered a speech and an academic oration at the 6th STIBA Makassar Graduation Ceremony on Sunday (August 20, 2023). Ustaz Zaitun expressed his gratitude to those who have contributed to the development of STIBA Makassar.
In his academic oration, Ustaz Zaitun Rasmin talked about “Risalatul Mu’min al-Mushlih” (The Epistle of a Believer and a Fighter). He spoke about the importance of faith in a Muslim’s life and explained the Quranic verses emphasizing faith in Allah and His Messenger.
The Chairman of the Southeast Asian Ulama and Duat Association also emphasized the importance of striving in Islam to uphold the truth and teachings of Islam. According to him, the purpose of this struggle is to glorify the symbols of Allah and implement Islamic teachings in the daily lives of society.
Striving to realize the truth is a humanitarian struggle aimed at making human life full of blessings and happiness. Security and the fulfillment of basic needs are also the results of this struggle, as mentioned by Allah in the closing verses of Surah Quraisy.
“When truth is established, peace is achieved. And this has been alluded to by Allah in Surah Quraisy, ‘He fed them, [saving them] from hunger and made them safe, [saving them] from fear,'” said Ustaz Zaitun.
Prophet Muhammad and his companions serve as clear examples of those who fought for the truth. This struggle will result in security and prosperity for society.
Ustaz Zaitun added to his explanation that the epistle discusses the importance of struggling in religion with one’s wealth and oneself. In Islam, the struggle for truth requires the sacrifice of wealth. Prophet Muhammad and his companions have taught the importance of fighting with wealth for education and propagation.
Historical examples show that those who spend their wealth for the sake of Allah are rewarded by Him. Even if there is a possibility of a shortage of wealth, they continue to spend with faith in Allah. There are concrete examples from history of those who left everything behind and were given even more in return. It is important to understand that happiness is not based on wealth but on charity.
Furthermore, Ustaz Zaitun also elaborated on the importance of striving for goodness and upholding the truth. In the struggle, one needs to set a good example and invite others to do good. “Da’wah bil hal,” which means setting an example through actions, is considered an effective form of struggle. The role of scholars in upholding the truth is also emphasized, and this struggle should start with knowledge and an invitation to knowledge and truth.
In concluding his oration, the Deputy Secretary of the MUI Advisory Council conveyed the message that life is not for oneself but for the benefit of others. He quoted the statement of the first Chairman of the MUI, Buya HAMKA (may Allah have mercy on him):
“If life is just for living, then wild boars in the forest are also alive. If life is just for working, then monkeys in the forest also work.”
“Set a determination within ourselves. We don’t want to live just for the sake of living, work just for the sake of working to get a little bit of this world, a house and a car, and then get married and have children. It’s not just that, but how to live a life that benefits others, our community, our nation, and our country,” he emphasized.
Finally, Ustaz Zaitun quoted the statement of Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him):
“Whoever lives for himself lives as a small person.
Whoever lives for others lives as a great person.
And whoever lives for the nation lives as an honorable person.”
This is what must be done to strive for the truth and give to the community and the nation. If done in large numbers, the country will progress. Ustaz Zaitun entrusted the alumni and students of STIBA Makassar to make this their goal. The ultimate goal is to realize a prosperous, just, and prosperous Indonesia.