The Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., delivered a speech during the Inaugural Lecture for the Second Semester of Academic Year 1444—1445 H/2023—2024 M, on Monday (29/01/2024). Ustaz Akhmad stated that this inaugural lecture focuses on the role of the Muslim community in shaping the political direction in Indonesia. It is expected to provide motivation and new insights to the academic community of STIBA Makassar regarding the current political situation, including presidential and legislative elections.
In Sharia terminology, according to Ustaz Akhmad, there are three important words that should be present in every step towards positive change. First, “hijrah,” which means to migrate from what is prohibited by Allah towards what is enjoined and beloved by Him.
“Whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many [alternative] locations and abundance.” (Quran, Surah An-Nisaa’, 4:100).
Hijrah teaches that Allah’s earth is vast and full of blessings, making positive change always possible.
The second terminology, according to the Deputy Chairman of the Sharia Council, is “ishlah,” which refers to improvement and reform. Muslims should not remain silent and merely be spectators. They must take action, strive for improvement, and promote positive changes in society.
“So if we want to become better, we must make improvements, reforms, we must engage in ishlah. We cannot stay silent. We cannot just be spectators. We must make ishlah efforts. That is the essence of Islamic preaching, advising, enjoining good, and forbidding evil, and so on,” said Ustaz Akhmad.
Lastly, there is “taghyir,” which means change. This highlights the importance of adapting to changing times and situations while upholding Islamic values.
Ustaz Akhmad quoted verse 11 from Surah Ar-Ra’d,
“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.”
“So all of these are Sharia terminology found in the Quran, and they all strongly suggest that we should strive for positive change, but we must hijrah, make ishlah, and taghyir!” he emphasized.
He concluded his speech by quoting a statement from Al Imam Ibnu Aqil al-Hambali,
“Politics (siyasah) is any action by which people are closer to goodness and further from corruption, even if it has not been legislated by the Prophet (peace be upon him) or revealed by revelation.”
“So he said that Islamic politics is about bringing people closer to righteousness. So if we cannot achieve 100% ideal improvement, at least we should move further away from wrongdoing and harm. Even in ijtihad (interpretation), sometimes the political process was not conveyed in revelation and was not established by the Prophet (peace be upon him),” he concluded.
The event continued with announcements from the vice chairmen regarding their respective areas: Vice Chairman for Academic and Student Affairs, Ustaz Rahmat bin Badani Tempo, Lc., M.A.; Vice Chairman for General Affairs, Ustaz Musriwan Muslimin, Lc., M.H.; Vice Chairman for Cooperation and Alumni, Ustaz Ahmad Syaripudin, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I.; and the Head of the 5M Character Development and Boarding School Center represented by Ustaz Sirajuddin Syarif S.Pd.I., S.H., M.H.
The event also included the announcement of exemplary teachers/teaching assistants read by the Chairman of STIBA Makassar. This year, Ustaz Ramli, Lc., and Ustazah Multazimah, Lc., M.H., were chosen as exemplary teachers/teaching assistants.
As for exemplary staff members, the award was given to Ustaz Arfan S.S., M.Ag., Secretary of the Clerical Training Program, and Ustazah Sri Ujiana Putri, Lc., S.H., M.H., Assistant to the Deputy Chairman Two, Deputy Head of the Finance Division, and Deputy Head of the Human Resources Division.
Lastly, the title of exemplary student went to Ruqayyah Azzahra Idris, a fifth-semester student in the PM program who serves as the Coordinator for the Murajaah Division of the Raudatul Hufaazh Putri Student Activity Unit. Meanwhile, the exemplary student title was awarded to Khaerul, a fifth-semester student in the PM program who currently holds the position of Chairman of the Residential Student Activity Unit.