(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – Amid the increasing number of positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia, especially Makassar City, the Chairperson of STIBA Makassar stated his commitment to continue carrying out his activities. Both lecturers and education personnel in all work units will continue to carry out work programs with all the limitations caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This was conveyed by Ustaz Ahmad Hanafi, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. when delivering directions in the Closing Lecture which marked the end of the School Year Odd Semester lecture activities. 1441—1442 H / 2020-2021 M, Saturday (9/1/2021).
“We have already announced that in any condition we must still survive. Activities must continue according to schedule. We will not back down and stop activities that are considered strategic related to our academic activities. Because a Muslim should be able to continue his activities in all situations, both difficult and free, “said Ustaz Ahmad.
The Deputy Chairperson of the Wahdah Islamiyah Sharia Council quoted the hadith of Nabis shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam which explains that the condition of a Muslim is always of good value. If it turns out to be difficult, then he can keep up with doubling his patience. If the condition is free, then he will make the best use of it and increase his gratitude to Allah.
To students who take this Closing Lecture online, the Chairperson of STIBA mandates to practice the knowledge they have gained in this one semester.
“After the stage of knowledge is the stage of charity. Knowledge is like a tree and charity is the fruit of the tree. Hopefully this knowledge can give birth to practice as proof of our faith in Allah, “he said.
At the end of his briefing, Ustaz Ahmad asked all lecturers, managers, and students not to get bored so that they were careless and negligent in guarding against Covid-19.
“So let’s anticipate, keep those close to us not exposed. The rules used are laa dharara walaa dhirar, dar’ul mafsadah muqaddam ‘ala jalbil mashlahah, “said Ustaz Ahmad.
As usual in every Closing Lecture, at the end of the event each deputy chairperson delivered directions and announcements related to their respective fields.