(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – As the Makassar College of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language (STIBA) grows older, the number of teaching staff and students has also increased. If at the beginning of its establishment, STIBA only had lecturers with bachelor degree educational qualifications, now there are dozens of lecturers who are postgraduate. Even recently, with the completion of Dr. Ustaz Rustam Ibrahim M. Qashim Kolli and Ustaz Dr. Harwis from the doctoral level, STIBA now has 10 lecturers with doctoral qualifications.

Dr. Ustaz Rustam Kolli on Thursday (28/01/2021) reached the title summa cum laude from the Doctoral Program of the Islamic University of Madinah with the Concentration of Arabic. Ustaz Rustam wrote a dissertation entitled برنامج قائم على المنظمات التمهيدية الاليكترونية لتنمية الاداء القرائي والكتابي لدى متعلمي اللغة العربية

This title in Indonesian means a program to improve reading and writing skills for non-Arabic speakers using electronic introductions. The kitabah referred to in this title is not imla ‘, but ta’birul kitabi, composing insya’ and so on.

The result of this dissertation is the student book and the arguments for teacher which have been compiled by Ustaz Rustam. In that book, Ustaz Rustam compiles steps and strategies in teaching based on David Ausubel’s theory in five stages.

David Ausubel is an education and psychology expert who is famous for his theory of Meaningful Learning or in Arabic at-Ta’allum bil Ma’na. This means that a learning process will be more easily digested by students if the lesson is related to relevant personal experiences. In this case, the teacher only provides an introduction to further reinforce what the students already know.

According to Ustaz Rustam, the application of this theory is already in the Al-Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam. So basically this theory is ضالة المؤمن (the lost valuables of believers).

This alumnus of the STIBA Makassar Language Preparation Program mentioned one example each from the Al-Qur’an and hadith. When Allah explained how humans will be resurrected in the afterlife, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala invites us to look at the earth, what if it is dry. Then Allah sent rain water and the grass grew. Allah closed the verse with “wakadzalika tukhrajun”, meaning that is how you will be resurrected.

An example from the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, when he asked his friends, how would you respond if in front of the house of one of you there is a river that flows, then he bathes in the river every day five times a day, is there any dirt left in your house? his body? The companions answered that there was none, so the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said that was prayer.

Another method that is also in accordance with this theory is a question that makes students search for answers. As the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam asked his friends, “Do you know who are the people who are bankrupt?” So the friends answered according to what they understood that bankrupt people were those who did not have money and possessions. The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- then explained the true meaning he wanted to convey that there is something bigger and heavier than that, namely a person who is bankrupt in the hereafter.


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