(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – STIBA Makassar will again dispatch its students to several areas for KKN (Student Study Service) year V. As many as 333 students will partake in KKN of this year, consisting of 155 males and 178 females. STIBA sent 91 assistants consisting of 62 males and 29 females.
Before being officially dispatched, these final semester students first undergo a training period. The two-day training was held on the second floor of the Anas bin Malik Mosque, Monday to Tuesday (21 to 22 February 2022). The training was first opened by Dr. Kasman Bakry, M.H.I. as Head of Academic Affairs of STIBA Makassar.
Ustaz Kasman Bakry expressed his great hope for KKN participants to exert their best efforts.
“I am sure that you will make us proud in the future as your predecessors had done. Usually, KKN makes people who are rarely seen in class appear and perform with extraordinary actions,” he hoped.
The event was then continued with a lecture by the Chairman of STIBA Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. He stated that one of the aims of KKN is to train and familiarize students to engage directly in the actual object of da’wah. He also provides three important rules in the course of KKN.
First, فاقد الشيء لا يعطيه (people who do not have something cannot give anything). He explained that what he meant was that whoever did not know there would be nothing he could give or teach.
The second thing is related to the object of da’wah or who will be visited.
“And lastly, in the da’wah method there is a rule that says, ‘Make it easy, do not complicate it. Give good news, do not scare!” as explained by the Deputy Chairman of the Sharia Council of Wahdah Islamiyah.
This training was scheduled to last for two days. The materials taught include the Philosophy of Student Study Service, which was delivered by Ustaz Dr. Kasman Bakry, S.H.I, M.H.I, Attitude of Dai and Da’wah Orientation by Ustaz Rachmat bin Badani Tempo, Lc., M.A., Practice of taking care the dead which was demonstrated by the Departement of Social Affairs of DPP WI, Mosque Management/TPA Management presented by Ustaz Abdullah Nazhim Hamid, ST, Lc., and Preparation of the Student Study Service and Final Report Format by Ustaz Dr. Khaerul Akbar, S.Pd., M.E.I.