After the laying of the first stone by the Mayor of Makassar, last Friday (2/4/2021), the student dormitory building was officially used. A total of 576 female students are now sheltering under the roof of this five-story building. The building with the best architecture and quality owned by STIBA but still free for female students has been enlivened with the activities of hundreds of students of sharia.
Head of General Affairs of STIBA Makassar, Musriwan Muslimin, Lc., M.H., said that although the development funds collected so far are still 76% of the total budget, the progress of the construction has reached 95% and is feasible to use. This means that the dormitory building construction committee still has arrears to the contractor that have not been paid.
“The interior of the building has been completed, of which 5% is left for the exterior, such as painting and others,” said Ustaz Musriwan.
In the Daily Management Meeting, the Chairperson of STIBA Makassar, Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., decided on the name of one of the Ummul Mu’minin for the building, namely Khadijah radhiyallahu ‘anha.
To the administrators of the female students who were present at the weekly meeting, the chairperson of STIBA requested that the building be used and maintained as well as possible.
“Take care of this building as well as possible so that the donors can always be rewarded. This is the mandate of the muslims,” he said.
Dormitory rooms consist of six bunk beds. Hopefully, the rewards of the students of knowledge have now also flowed to the muhsinin (donors).
May the parents and those who have died, have now been elevated in rank in their graves because of the reward of alms on their behalf.
May Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla protect this Khadijah building, along with the students of knowledge in it, and later the alumni who will be born from this building and preach their knowledge so that the rewards of the donors will continue to be abundant, endless, and even increasing and increasing.
It looks like several students are cleaning the dormitory building before it is used by female students.
There are still opportunities for Muslims who want to invest in the afterlife by joining the muhsinin Khadijah Building radhiyallahu ‘anha.
The Khadijah Building is still waiting for our helping hand to fulfill the budget shortfall of 24%.
Distribute your donation through the alms account:
Indonesian Islamic Bank (BSI) (451) 7171712027
a.n. Pembangunan Kampus STIBA
Whatsapp: 085299959453
See other bank account numbers at http://rek.stiba.ac.id