(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The number of study programs at STIBA Makassar has increased by one more. After the issuance of the Decree regarding the permit to administer the Sharia Economy Law (HES)/Mu’amalah Study Program , STIBA now has three study programs.
This is good news especially for graduates of the Language Preparation Program (I’dad Lughawi) who will continue their undergraduate studies at STIBA Makassar this year.
This information was conveyed by Ustaz Dr. Kasman Bakry, S.H.I., M.H.I. in the Closing Lecture which was held last Saturday (31/12/2022). In fact, according to Deputy Chairperson for Academic Affairs, in August, STIBA will be able to open registration for four study programs.
“There could be four study programs to choose from because currently the Hadith Science Study Program is evaluating. It is predicted that the results will come out one or two months later. If it is published, this year’s Language Preparation batch will be splashed with the blessings of the four choices,” he said in front of the Closing Lecture participants which took place in a hybrid manner.
Regarding the Hadith Science Study Program, Ustaz Kasman gave a few leaks. He said that the curriculum was 90% complete to the same standard as the Islamic University of Medina.
Check out the full statement of the Deputy Chairperson for Academic Affairs here: Kabar Gembira, PMB Tahun Ini STIBA Buka Pendaftaran untuk Prodi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah – YouTube (Good News, PMB This year STIBA Opens Registration for Islamic Economics Law Study Program – YouTube)
After going through a long process of preparation by the form preparation team and inspection by the Directorate of Islamic Religious Higher Education, the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia and BAN-PT, the HES Study Program finally received a Decree permitting implementation. The decree is numbered 1427 of 2022 and was stipulated in Jakarta, 15 December 2022.
The handover of the Decree took place in Jakarta from the Head of Study Program Development Section, Academic Sub-Directorate, Directorate General of the Ministry of Religion to one of the HES lecturers Ustaz Muhammad Harsyah Bakhtiar, Lc., M.A., Monday (09/01/2023).
HES STIBA Makassar Form Preparation Team
Coordinator: Dr. Kasman Bakry, M.H.I.
Deputy Coordinator: Sofyan Nur, Lc., M.Ag.
Askar Patahuddin, S.Si., M.E.I.
Ihwan Wahid Minu, M.E.I.
Samsul Bahri Pelu, S.Th.I.
Arfan, S.S., M.Ag.