BAN-SM (National Accreditation Board for Schools/Madrasahs) of South Sulawesi once again conducted Phase II Accreditation Visitation for all schools and madrasahs that have met the criteria in South Sulawesi. Schools that have met the criteria will partially undergo accreditation, while others will undergo reaccreditation with new instruments.
A total of 173 schools and madrasahs from various levels in South Sulawesi will undergo the second phase of visitation, where each school’s visitation will take place for two consecutive days. To facilitate this, BAN-SM of South Sulawesi has deployed 22 assessors to maximize the accreditation visitation process.
Mr. Ihwan Wahid Minu, M.E., the Head of Quality Audit Division at STIBA Makassar Quality Assurance Center, is among the assessors assigned by BAN-SM for this visitation. Ustaz Ihwan, who is also a lecturer at STIBA Makassar, conducted accreditation visitation at three elementary schools in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The three schools are SD Negeri 375 Tancung, SD Negeri No. 237 Ujunge, and SD Negeri 272 Dualimpoe.
According to the assignment letter, Ustaz Ihwan mentioned that the visitation will take place from March 22nd to May 27th, 2023.
For Ustaz Ihwan Wahid Minu, M.E., the accreditation visitation assigned to him is a noble responsibility as it helps the country, particularly the government, to gain an overview of school performance as a means of guidance, development, and improvement of quality, as well as determining the eligibility of a school in providing educational services.
“I feel grateful because this assignment as an assessor, which is my third assignment since being appointed as a BAN-S/M assessor in South Sulawesi in 2021, has brought honor to the name of STIBA Makassar,” he concluded.