(STIBA.ac.id) Surabaya – The School of Islamic Sciences and Arabic Language (STIBA) Makassar sent 27 officials on a study visit to Java, starting from East Java, Central Java, West Java, and ending in DKI Jakarta. The departure of the delegation took place on Sunday, July 30, 2023.
The Study Visit Delegation consists of the Chairman of the Senate, Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Yusran Anshar, Lc., MA., the Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Ustaz Dr. Ahmad Hanafi, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., along with vice-chairmen, heads of centers, and heads of departments. This visit is aimed at conducting benchmarking at various educational institutions, including Islamic higher education institutions, Islamic universities, the central council of Indonesian Ulema (MUI), Islamic boarding schools, and others.
On the first day, Monday (July 31), the team was divided into two. The first team went to STDI Imam Shafi’i, Jember, East Java, led by the Chairman of STIBA Makassar. Accompanying the delegation were the Chairman of the Senate, Vice-Chairman I, and Vice-Chairman III, along with other relevant officials.
They were welcomed by several officials from STDI Imam Shafi’i, such as Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Arifin Badri, Lc., M.A., and Ustaz Dr. Syafiq Riza Basalamah, Lc., M.A.
The meeting took place in a warm atmosphere. Moreover, the Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Ustaz Ahmad Hanafi, and the leaders of STDI Imam Shafi’i, Ustaz Muhammad Arifin Badri, have been close friends since they studied at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
“The guests are truly extraordinary. This is a form of goodwill towards us because STIBA, in terms of scale, is larger than us, and it is also older. While I have not yet completed my undergraduate studies in Madinah, STIBA already existed,” said Ustaz Arifin Badri, the Director of STDI Imam Shafi’i.
Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi expressed his gratitude for the warm reception of the delegation and explained the purpose of the visit.
“We need to see the achievements of others so that we can improve the quality of our institution. This is an important event because we will start our second term. Thank you very much for this warm welcome,” said Ustaz Akhmad.
Ustaz Muhammad Yusran Anshar also had the opportunity to deliver a few words.
“Alhamdulillah, I am very happy to meet all the scholars directly. This is a pilgrimage of love (ziyarah fillah). Even though it may seem formal, it is all to show love for the sake of Allah, al-mutajalisina fiyya, those who will be honored on the Day of Judgment,” said Ustaz Yusran.
Furthermore, Ustaz Yusran mentioned that visiting scholars is a practice of the salaf (early Muslims).
“Even the prophets did that. Prophet Ibrahim visited his nephew, Prophet Lut. Abu Musa visited Mu’adh bin Jabal. As an application of the Prophet’s saying, ‘Make things easy and do not make them difficult; give glad tidings and do not repel people.’ This is a mutual visit for goodness,” he concluded.
Ustaz Muh. Jawaz, Chairman of the Imam Shafi’i Foundation in Jember, stated that STIBA is full of struggles, and within it, the Word of Allah is recited.
“We are both struggling, educating a rabbani generation, on the same path to educate the ummah. Everyone needs to struggle. I express my gratitude, Alhamdulillah, jazakumullahu khairan ala qudumikum, for the brotherly visit on this occasion,” he said.
This general study visit session concluded with the signing of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) and agreements and the exchange of mementos.
The event was concluded with a brief speech by Ustaz Syafiq Riza Basalamah.
“Jazakumullahu khairan for your visit, our brothers and sisters. You know that Jember is far away and tiring to reach. Hopefully, your visit will always be remembered,” he concluded.
After the welcoming ceremony, specific study visits were conducted, divided into four areas from 10:00 to 11:30.
“I hope this is not the first and last visit. So that we can continue to learn from each other and be motivated to do better. I hope there will continue to be communication, correspondence, letter-writing because the spirit is cooperation and competition in goodness,” said Ustaz Arifin Badri as he bid farewell to the STIBA Makassar study visit delegation.
“We don’t need to worry about competition. Our ummah is too large to be covered by only two institutions,” said Ustaz Arifin Badri as he bid farewell to the STIBA Makassar study visit delegation.
Meanwhile, the second team went to the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School Cooperative in Pasuruan, and the third team went to the School of Islamic Studies (STDI) Imam Shafi’i in Jember.
The delegation to Sidogiri was led by Vice-Chairman IV for Cooperation, Ustaz Ahmad Syaripudin, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I. Accompanying the delegation were Vice-Chairman II, Ustaz Iskandar Kato, S.T.P., M.Si. (Chairman of the Education Division WI), the management of the Tamam Cooperative, and several relevant officials.
The delegation was received by several officials from the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School Cooperative.