(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The Central Board of Trustees of Wahdah Islamiyah held a Grand Tabligh themed “Dakwah Jalan Kemuliaan Umat dan Bangsa” (Dakwah: The Path to the Dignity of the Nation and People). The event was held live at the Anas bin Malik Mosque and broadcasted via the Zoom Meeting platform, Wahdah TV, and STIBA TV on YouTube.
The highlight of the event was the send-off for 261 STIBA Makassar alumni, Tadribud Du’at, and other dai (Islamic preachers) and daiahs (female Islamic preachers) from Wahdah Islamiyah, who are ready to carry out the sacred mission of dakwah (Islamic propagation) in various parts of the country.
Ustaz Syaibani Mujiono, S.Sy., M.Si., the Secretary-General of the Central Board of Trustees of Wahdah Islamiyah, stated that the dai and daiahs sent this year have a noble goal: to provide enlightenment and teach the Quran in various parts of the country.
“Alhamdulillah, this year we will send our dai and daiahs to every corner of the country. STIBA Makassar’s 18th batch, Tadribut Du’at’s 20th batch, and Tadribut Daiyah’s 11th batch have more than a thousand alumni who have spread throughout the country. This is certainly a gratitude to Allah; our dai have been spreading to the farthest corners of our archipelago, carrying our dakwah mission to teach the Quran and provide enlightenment among our people,” he said during his speech on Sunday, August 27, 2023.
Ustaz Syaibani also expressed his gratitude to all parties who have contributed to the success of sending these dai and daiahs.
“We, the Central Board of Trustees of Wahdah Islamiyah, express our sincere thanks to all parties who continue to actively contribute and assist in all Wahdah Islamiyah activities, especially the sending of Dai, which we have felt the benefits of until today, with their dakwah activities in their respective duty stations. May Allah reward all the goodness and contributions that we have done,” he said.
Ustaz Syaibani hopes that the dai and daiahs who were sent off today can carry out their duties well and are given strength by Allah to continue to benefit the ummah (Muslim community).
“May our dai, who are being sent off today, serve well. Hopefully, they will be given strength by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala to continue to be able to serve for the benefit of the ummah,” he added.
The General Leader of Wahdah Islamiyah, Dr. K.H. Muhammad Zaitun Rasmin, Lc., M.A., in his speech, delivered a special message to the dai and daiahs who are alumni of STIBA Makassar, Tadrib Ad-Du’at, and those who will be placed in various parts of the country, from Papua, NTT, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Aceh, and Kalimantan. He reminded them to be a solution and a source of inspiration for the ummah, with the aim of strengthening the unity of the Muslim ummah and all of humanity, in accordance with the noble teachings of Islam.
“Dakwah will always be the top choice and, most importantly, in upholding Islam. Dakwah is the backbone of Islam. If dakwah is successful, Islam will stand strong. Dakwah is the path to the dignity of the nation and people. It is very clear, of all our efforts to build this nation and country, to build our ummah, dakwah is one of the main paths,” he said.
Ustaz Zaitun Rasmin also called on Muslims to participate in preserving the dignity of the ummah and nation through financial support for dakwah. He emphasized, “On this happy occasion, we are attending the send-off for the dai and daiahs, who are the heirs of the prophets, the successors of the duties of the prophets and messengers. Let us resolve to support them, so that their duties are successful, so that our struggle can be realized as we have hoped for all this time. For those who provide support to these warriors, they are also warriors. ‘Whoever prepares a warrior, then he is also a warrior,'” he emphasized.
Muslims, let us be the generation that preserves the dignity of the ummah and nation by setting aside some of our wealth for dakwah. By donating through the following link https://donasi.wiz.or.id/tdn, we have participated in the dakwah struggle for the entire archipelago that has been blessed.
Report: Public Relations and Media Department of the Central Board of Trustees of Wahdah Islamiyah