(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The Islamic College of Makassar, also known as “Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab” (STIBA), is embarking on a new chapter in the Academic Year 1445—1446 H/2023—2024 M with the commencement of their inaugural lecture. This activity marks the beginning of the Even Semester and involves the entire academic community of STIBA Makassar.
The speaker for this inaugural lecture is Dr. Khoirul Umam, M.Ec., the Deputy Rector III of Darussalam University (Unida) Gontor. In his presentation, Dr. Khoirul Umam discusses the comparison between the holistic, integrative, and theistic nature of Islamic boarding school (pesantren) education and secular educational systems.
According to him, the pesantren education system places great emphasis on the unity of faith, knowledge, and practice. Pesantren education teaches creed, Islamic law (sharia), and morality as an inseparable unity. Spiritual devotion, intellectual development, emotional growth, and physical fitness are integral components of pesantren education.
On the other hand, secular educational systems often exhibit a dualism between religious knowledge and general knowledge. In this system, religious knowledge is sometimes perceived as a mere religious ritual and not associated with scientific knowledge.
Dr. Khoirul also addresses issues related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the adverse effects of environmentally damaging development. He also highlights the influence of multinational corporations and the use of modern technology that can harm the environment.
Furthermore, he explains that in the context of development and economics, it is important to consider Islamic jurisprudence (fikih) related to practices that may harm the environment and society.
“Take the Comparative School of Thought program as an example. What is the Islamic jurisprudence regarding farming practices that harm the land? This is the answer we need to think about. Don’t just focus on comparing schools of thought but remain insensitive to what is happening in society. Islamic jurisprudence scholars solve the problems of the community,” he emphasized.
According to him, Islamic jurisprudence experts have a deeper understanding of the laws given by Allah, and their involvement in solving economic issues can be more relevant and beneficial.
Formalities and academic degrees are also discussed in Dr. Khoirul’s lecture. According to the Deputy Rector III of Unida, formalities such as degrees and diplomas have significant value in certain contexts, especially in gaining recognition from the public and enhancing the institution’s reputation in the field of preaching. However, profound knowledge and understanding of a particular issue remain the key factors in providing correct solutions.