(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The Ulama Cadre Program (Program Kaderisasi Ulama – PKU) has reached its second anniversary since its launch in September 2021. This program, aimed at nurturing quality scholars, has achieved several notable accomplishments over the past two years. With ten students and a team of select educators, PKU has carved a path of remarkable achievements.
PKU is directly managed by a group of prominent teaching faculty, including Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Monqez al-Ashiil, Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Muhammad ‘Abd al-Hadi al-Mishri, Ustaz Muhammad Yusran Anshar, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Basran, Lc., M.A., Ustaz Dr. Rustam Koly, Lc., M.A., Ustaz Dr. Kasman Bakry, M.H.I., and others.
Over the past two years, PKU students have achieved numerous notable accomplishments. In the memorization of classical Islamic texts, they have successfully completed the memorization of various essential texts, including Matan Abi Syuja’, al-Waraqat, al-Ajurumiyyah, al-Manzhumah al-Baiquniyyah, and many more.
In the field of Quranic memorization, two students, Arfan and A. M. Nur Atma Amir, have not only completed the Hafs recitation but also memorized the Quran in the Shu’bah recitation.
Regarding traditional Islamic texts (kitab-kitab turats), PKU students not only gained deep insights provided by the teaching faculty but also diligently memorized them. The Bulughul Maram text is one of the traditional texts memorized by PKU students. Currently, three of its students, Andi Muh. Ihsan Yusuf, Muh. Shiddiq Aminullah, and Arfan, have successfully completed the memorization of this text.
According to Ustaz Muhammad Shiddiq Abdillah, Lc., M.A., who recently concluded his tenure as the PKU Secretary, the initial learning period was scheduled for two years but was extended to three years. This extension was done to ensure that students could deepen their religious knowledge more comprehensively.
In the recent Inauguration Ceremony of the STIBA Makassar Management Structure for 2023—2027, the Chairman of STIBA Makassar also appointed the new chairman and secretary of PKU. As chairman, Ustaz Dr. Maulana La Eda, Lc., M.A., succeeded Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Basran Yusuf, Lc., M.A. Ustaz Maulana attended the virtual event as he was in Saudi Arabia. The role of secretary was entrusted to Arfan, S.S., M.Ag.
In a statement sent to the editorial team on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, the Chairman of STIBA Makassar expressed his hope that this structural change would bring positive changes to PKU.
“With this change in structure, hopefully, we can do better. In the future, the learning capacity will be enhanced, and the scholarly quality of PKU students will also be elevated. For the first batch of students, there will undoubtedly be strengthening programs so that in this additional year, they can be more proficient, both in terms of knowledge capacity and the stability of memorization, which is a distinctive feature of Islamic scholars,” he said.
Furthermore, Ustaz Akhmad emphasized that, in Islam, the depth of knowledge and the strength of memorization are distinctive characteristics of scholars.
“The depth of their knowledge and the strength of their memorization are distinguishing features of scholars. Additionally, coupled with their fear of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, which is another distinguishing trait possessed by scholars,” he added.
The Chairman of STIBA Makassar also expressed heartfelt gratitude to all those who supported the Ulama Cadre Program.