The selection exam for new students at the School of Islamic Sciences and Arabic Language (STIBA) Makassar has begun in the form of Computer Based Test (CBT) and interviews. CBT is a testing method that uses computers as tools to present and manage tests.

The CBT exam was conducted simultaneously from 09:00 to 11:00 WITA. Meanwhile, the interview exam began at 13:30 and will last for four days, Tuesday—Friday (28—31/05/2024).

According to information from the Admissions Committee, Ustaz Mirsyad Akbar, S.H., the CBT exam in this first wave of registration was attended by 477 prospective new students.

“Participants who missed the exam will be given the opportunity to take the exam in the second wave later,” said the Chairperson of STIBA Makassar, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., in response to the absence of some candidates who were unable to attend the exam.

STIBA Makassar deployed a team of examiners consisting of 45 members, consisting of 27 male teachers and 18 female teachers. The interview exams were conducted online through various digital platforms. Each prospective new student received a specific schedule and was contacted directly by the interviewer in charge. As of the time of this news release, most prospective new students have completed their interview sessions.

This meticulous selection process is expected to attract the best students who are ready to make positive contributions to society.

“I hope all parties involved, both the committee and the male and female interviewers, can work together well for the success of this new student admission process,” said the Head of the New Student Admission Department (PMB), Ustaz Ahmad Amunir, Lc.

He also prayed for the candidates to be facilitated in answering the exam questions.

“May Allah grant ease in answering the questions correctly,” he concluded.
