(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The Personnel Department, which is under the coordination of the General Affairs of STIBA Makassar, held a High Performance Leadership Workshop on Tuesday (18/08) and Thursday (20/08). The event, which held online, was attended by the Chairman of STIBA and the deputies along with the heads of divisions and centers.

High Performance Leadership is a program that intended on improving leadership capabilities, strengthening the role of leaders in achieving employee work targets, measuring employee performance objectively, building a high work culture, and creating employee loyalty.

This program combines the principles of leadership with the principles of effective performance management in an effort to maximize the potential of employees towards achieving the vision and mission of the institution.

The Founder and CEO of the Invish Coach, Ustadz Bambang Triyawan, was the sole spokesperson in this workshop. This Chairman of DPD Wahdah Islamiyah Bandung presented five materials related to leadership, namely Building Trust, Formulating Objectives, Measuring Performance, Coaching for Performance, and Reinforcing Good Performance.

There were many positive responses from the participants. One of them was stated by Ustadz Muhammad Taufan Djafri as the Deputy Chair III for Student Affairs, “In my opinion, this training aims to form leadership characters. It is important to solve the problems that sometimes get stuck just because the characters are not yet at the expected level. I think it can be applied in various ways.”

Similar comment was also expressed by the Head of STIBA Makassar, Ustadz Ahmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, “HPL is like a tool that can be used to improve the performance of our team. The approach to our subordinates and work partners needs to be improved so that the problems faced can be solved together. “


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