Head of STIBA Makassar Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. inaugurated the head and secretary of the Arabic Language Education Program at Wednesday, 15 Zulkaidah 1443 H (15/06/2022). This inauguration took place after the Zuhur prayer at the Anas bin Malik Mosque witnessed by the entire congregation.
Ustaz Dr. Rustam Koly, Lc., M.A. who were appointed as the head of the PBA (Arabic Language Education) Program were alumni of the Islamic University of Medina. He completed the bachelor to doctoral degree in Arabic concentration in the City of the Prophet while the secretary is Ustaz Abdullah Nazhim, S.T., Lc., alumni of the Faculty of Engineering Unhas and Qashim University Saudi Arabia.
In the tausiah (orate) after the inauguration, the Head of STIBA Makassar said that there was a development showing that there were always new things at STIBA. According to him, all of this is in order to enhance the education quality at STIBA.
“In the next four years, we will see the results for the first alumni. It would be good if it started by preparing fine seeds and being cared for properly. Inshaallah, the results will not betray our efforts. Hopefully this PBA program will run according to our expectations,” said Ustaz Akhmad.
There are 70 new students accepted into the PBA program in the student admission of this year. They will be the first group of students in the program led by Ustaz Dr. Rustam Kolli.