University College of Islamic Sciences and Arabic Language ​​(STIBA) Makassar held an Extraordinary Senate Session for the Fifth Graduate. The graduation procession was attended by 275 consisting of 130 male graduates and 145 female graduates, as stated by the Chairperson of STIBA Makassar Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. in his speech.
Besides being attended by the Senate and leaders at STIBA Makassar, the Mayor of Makassar Ir. H. Moh. Ramdhan Pomanto and the General Chairperson of the Wahdah Islamiyah, Dr. K.H. Muhammad Zaitun Rasmin, Lc., M.A. and Deputy Coordinator of Kopertais Region VIII Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua Dr. K.H. Hamzah Harun Ar Rasyid, Lc., M.A.
In his speech, Danny Pomanto invited alumni of the School Comparison Study Program of STIBA to eliminate the divisions that occur in the community due to the khilafiah issues.
“Why are we Muslims in particular weak? Because we are compartmentalized. So I invite STIBA alumni to remove these dividers,” said the Makassar Mayor, Thursday (18/08/2022) at the 45 Makassar Convention Center.
He further said that sometimes we are stuck with academic titles. Many people have high degrees but lack knowledge.
“In the Qur’an, it is said that people who know are those who practice their knowledge and his knowledge is useful for others,” he said.
Therefore, he invited all alumni to collaborate with the Makassar City government to increase the faith of the people, especially in Makassar City.
Meanwhile, Ustaz Zaitun Rasmin told the graduates not to worry about work.
“No need to prepare an envelope. Apply for jobs here and there. You are being applied for a job that is not just any job. But that is the work of the prophets,” said Ustaz Zaitun.
According to him, the job of becoming a preacher is not without income. There is an afterlife if the intention is sincere. As for the world, said Ustaz Zaitun, whoever pursues the afterlife will get the world. As long as he is aware that a Muslim does not stand idly by.
Deputy Coordinator of Kopertais Region VIII Dr. K.H. Hamzah Harun Ar-Rasyid when giving a speech said that to do islah ul-ummah (improvement of the people), a person must have five things, namely faith, knowledge, charity, morals, and skills.
Before reading the names of the graduates, the Chairperson of DPP Wahdah Islamiyah, Dr. K.H. Rahmat Abdurrahman, Lc., M.A. delivered an oration entitled Wasathiyah Islam and National Insight in the Perspective of Fiqh Siyasah.