(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – Hundreds of STIBA Makassar students departed to their respective locations for the KKN program this morning, Thursday (02/02/2023). The day before, the Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., officially released them in a ceremony held at Anas bin Malik Mosque.
On that occasion, the chairman of STIBA gave four advice as provisions for students who will carry out the KKN program this year.
First Advice: Purify intentions
Dakwah (Islamic preaching) is the hallmark of the STIBA Makassar student KKN program that distinguishes it from other college. Dakwah is an act of worship and therefore requires pure intentions for the sake of Allah.
“The consequence of sincerity will be reflected in our daily lives in carrying out this dakwah. In order for our dakwah to be accepted by the community, the key is sincerity, ‘qul hadzihi sabili ad’u ilallah’… We invite people not to join Wahdah or join STIBA en masse, not to join organizations, let alone for personal interests. No! But to invite them to Allah. Therefore, sincerity will be the measure,” said Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi, Chairman of STIBA Makassar.
Furthermore, he said that the stronger the foundation of knowledge, the stronger knowledge will direct someone to be sincere. He then quoted the words of Sufyan ats-Tsauri rahimahullah that initially, he sought knowledge for other purposes, but it turned out that knowledge led him to be solely sincere for the sake of Allah.
“Sincerity is the key. If we are already sincere, no matter how big the challenges are, it is for Allah. It is different if it is not for Allah, there will be disappointment, and many negative emotions. Especially when you are in a group, there may be one group that is more favored by the community than the other. If someone is not sincere in seeing this phenomenon, there will be obstacles in the heart. Envy and suspicion will arise. Sincerity will also be seen when we interact with the community. Insincere people will selectively attend only certain people’s invitations,” explained Ustaz Akhmad regarding the meaning of sincerity and its examples.
The Second Theme: Moral and Etiquette
One of the keys to the acceptance and even the eagerly awaited presence of STIBA KKN students is their adab and manners.
“Dakwah will succeed if we strive to be people who have good adab and manners. This is our distinguishing value. If other people bring guitars and cigarettes to KKN, then if we prepare good character to accompany us,” explained Mudir.
He also raised the story of Muadz bin Jabal’s appointment by the Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam to Yemen. At that time, according to Ustaz Akhmad, the Prophet while holding the reins of Mu’adz’s mount, conveyed several messages. One of them was hassin khuluqaka linnaas (improve your manners towards people).
“No matter how great our dakwah methods and rhetoric are, if our manners are not good, it will be multiplied by zero,” Ustaz Akhmad emphasized.
The Deputy Chairman of the Sharia Council of WI also gave a special message to female students (akhwat).
“For female students, especially those who wear veils, visually they are already obscured, veiled. People will feel reluctant to interact with us. They consider us as people who cannot interact comfortably. If people have already kept their distance from us, and our manners and behavior are not good, then people will further distance themselves from us. Wearing a veil does not mean that you cannot interact, or show good things in society. If female students can provide a good example, then that is what will be ingrained in society,” explained Ustaz.
Third Message: Understanding Each Other and Not Showing Disputes
When Mu’adz bin Jabal and Abu Musa al-Asy’ari radhiyallahu anhuma departed to Yemen, the Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam also conveyed several messages. One of them was tathawa’a wala takhtalifa (understand each other and do not show disputes).
Both Mu’adz and Abu Musa were great companions. But the Prophet reminded them to understand each other and not show disputes in the midst of society.
“You will preach together, so there will inevitably be differences between each other. But try to find a middle ground, a point of convergence between disputes, and most importantly, do not show disputes in the midst of society. We cannot avoid disputes because they can happen, but the most important thing is how to deal with differences of opinion. Try to understand each other,” Ustaz Akhmad hoped.
Fourth Message: Representing STIBA
KKN students carry the image of the institution on their shoulders. They are ambassadors in society. Even a slight negative value arising from their behavior will have an impact on the institution’s reputation.
Regarding this, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi quoted a verse from the Quran, Surah Al-Ahzab verse 58, which means,
“And those who harm believing men and believing women for [something] other than what they have earned have certainly born upon themselves a slander and manifest sin.”
“We have many shortcomings. Do not let the effect of your actions become a bad image for our institution in society,” he concluded.
As many as 218 students, consisting of 104 male students and 114 female students, were sent off today, Thursday (02/02), to two districts in Gowa and Maros. In Gowa, STIBA KKN VI students were spread across two sub-districts, Tinggimoncong and Tombolopao. Meanwhile, in Maros, they were concentrated in Moncongloe District.