(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – The Student Activity Division, in collaboration with the Training Department of Dema STIBA Makassar, conducted an Event Committee Training attended by second-semester students as prospective officers of the Student Organization. The event took place on Saturday (11/3/23) at the fourth floor of the Idarah Building.
The Chairman of Dema for the 2022-2023 term, Dimas Fajar Ramadhan, emphasized the importance of utilizing this event committee training to the fullest by students, especially those in the early semesters, as preparation when they engage in organizational and committee work.
Ustadz Ahmad Amunir, Lc., as the Head of the Student Activity Division, represented by Ustadz Agus Miranto Muharrar, S.H., in his address, expressed hope that students would possess soft skills or non-technical abilities that can be utilized in managing or handling an event.
“Among STIBA’s institutional goals is to produce alumni with good organizational skills that can be utilized to support the smooth running of activities and managerial tasks,” he stated.
Many people have knowledge but lack experience and proficiency in management and administration. Consequently, they are unable to provide significant benefits to the community.
As one of the speakers mentioned, a leader is someone who can overcome all kinds of challenges that come their way.
This event committee training featured four speakers: Ahmad Syaripudin, Lc., S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I., Ihwan Wahid Minu, S.T., M.E., Sudirman Tahir, S.Pd., and Muh. Awe Anshari, S.Pd.