After a long struggle and various obstacles faced, STIBA Makassar has finally obtained permission to establish the Hadith Studies Program for the Bachelor’s degree.
Dr. Kasman Bakry, the Coordinator of the Implementation Team for the Establishment of Sharia Economic Law, Hadith Studies, and Arabic Language Education Programs at STIBA Makassar, shared the ups and downs of the process of obtaining the permit.
According to Ustaz Kasman, the process of establishing the Hadith Studies Program began in 2016 under the leadership of the previous head (Ustaz Muhammad Yusran Anshar, Ph.D.).
“Proposal after proposal was submitted, but it always hit a dead end,” he said.
After a change in leadership, a new drafting team was formed during the tenure of Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Ph.D.
“After improvements and refinements, the Ministry of Religious Affairs finally issued Ministerial Decree No. 227 of 2024 on February 20, 2024, regarding the Operational Permit for the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Hadith Studies,” he added.
Dr. Kasman explained that to obtain this permit, STIBA Makassar had to fulfill several requirements, including meeting quality standards through Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) documents, the availability of teaching staff according to the needs of the program, and the completeness of the infrastructure supporting the three pillars of higher education.
Regarding the time required, Dr. Kasman mentioned that the process took quite a long time.
“From the beginning of drafting the submission proposal in 2016 until the issuance of the permit in 2024, we have been on this journey for approximately eight years,” he said.
However, it cannot be denied that the journey to obtaining the permit for the establishment of the Hadith Studies Program was not easy. Dr. Kasman mentioned several challenges faced, including changes in regulations on the procedures and guidelines for submitting new program proposals, as well as a lack of experience in creating submission forms.
Regarding the issuance of the permit for the establishment of the Hadith Studies Program, Dr. Kasman expressed his gratitude.
“This is an infinite gratitude to Allah. We feel happy and emotional about the issuance of this Hadith Studies Ministerial Decree,” he said with deep emotion.
The Decree (SK) of the Minister of Religion on the Implementation of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Hadith Studies was handed over on February 26, 2024, at the Directorate of Islamic Religious Higher Education Office, Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, 7th Floor, Jakarta. The handover was carried out directly by Mr. Lukman Nugraha, M.Ed. (Head of the New Program Development Section, Subdirectorate of Academic Affairs, Directorate of Islamic Religious Higher Education) to the representative from STIBA Makassar, represented by Dr. St. Habibah, a Non-Permanent Lecturer at STIBA Makassar and the Chairperson of STEBI Al-Muhsin Yogyakarta. This was based on the Assignment Letter issued by the Chairman of STIBA number 86/STIBA-MKS/B/TU/2024 dated March 22, 2024.
Dr. St. Habibah handed over the Decree to Muh. Ruslianto, an STIBA alumnus currently working in West Jakarta, to be further delivered to the STIBA Makassar authorities. The Decree arrived at the STIBA Makassar Campus on Thursday (03/28/2024) and was handed over directly by the Implementation Team Coordinator to the Chairman of STIBA Makassar.
Here is the Implementation Team for the Sharia Economic Law, Hadith Studies, and Arabic Language Education Programs (STIBA) Makassar who have been struggling to establish three new programs at STIBA Makassar:
Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D.
Implementation Coordinator:
Dr. Kasman Bakry, S.H.I., Μ.Η.Ι.
Deputy Coordinator:
Sofyan Nur, Lc., M.Ag.
Team Members:
Hendra Wijaya, Lc., M.H.
Ihwan Wahid Minu, S.Pd.I., M.E.
Dr. Askar Patahuddin, S.Si., M.E.
Chamdar Nur, Lc., S.H., S.Pd.I., M.Pd.
Rachmat bin Badani Tempo, Lc., Μ.Α.
Irsyad Rafi, Lc., M.H.
Arfan, S.S., M.Ag.
Samsul Bahri Pelu, S.Th.I.
Kurnaemi Anita, S.T., S.H., M.E.
Munira, S.H., S.Pd., M.Pd.
Wahyuni Ishak, S.H.
Muhibbatuddinah, S.H.