(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – Head of STIBA Makassar Ustaz Ahmad Hanafi, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. symbolically releasing STIBA Makassar students who will undergo a Community Development Participation (KKN) period. As with academic activities during the pandemic that took place online, this semester KKN will also be held online.
Ustaz Ahmad invited KKN students to focus on the strategic agenda in the eighth semester. He likens someone who wants to get out of a building, so he only takes one more step to get out. But because he failed to focus, he actually retreated backwards so that he didn’t come out.
“KKN for us is not a foreign matter. In life as a student, he was bound to make a contribution. The presence in the community must be maximized. Not only physically present but present in all meanings. Our ideas and thoughts accompany them, ”said Ustaz Ahmad when symbolically releasing the KKN students, Tuesday (23/02/2021) through the Zoom meeting room.
Regarding tips on interacting with the community, Ustaz Ahmad said that a person is judged by his character. Not just his intelligence and ability to rhetoric, but from his morals and manners. So homecoming invites, in addition to conveying good things, students are required to display good morals. This includes how to communicate properly.
Furthermore, the Deputy Chairperson of the Wahdah Islamiyah Sharia Council emphasized that as a student who sits in the final semester he must become a role model for his younger generation.
No matter how bad a person’s character is, everything can be done to change for the better.
“Never mind changing the bad character of humans, wild animals can be tamed. So nothing is impossible, “said Ustaz Ahmad.
KKN 2021 Coordinator Ustaz Saifullah Anshar, Lc., M.H.I. said that this year as many as 214 students consisting of 114 students and 100 female students participated in Community Development Participation. A total of 22 male lecturers and 17 female lecturers were assigned to assist the KKN students.
Before being officially released, KKN students first take part in debriefing. For two days, KKN participants listened to interviewees Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. who spoke a subject about the philosophy of Community Development Participation (KKN). Dr. Ustaz Kasman Bakry, S.H.I., M.H.I. explaned about Dai Morals and Orientation of Da’wah. The Virtual Sunah Da’wah was conveyed by Ustaz Rachmat bin Badani Tempo, Lc., M.A. Meanwhile, the Mosque Management / TPA Management was conveyed by Ustaz Abdullah Nazhim Hamid, S.T., Lc. The last subject related to the Final Report was presented by Dr. Ustaz. Khaerul Aqbar.