(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar –  STIBA Makassar will send its students to participate in the program, and this year it will focus on 218 students in three districts. Of the 218 students, 104 will be placed in nine villages in the Tombolopao district of Gowa Regency, seven villages in the Tinggimoncong district of Gowa Regency, and five villages in the Moncongloe district of Maros Regency. Meanwhile, 114 female students will only be placed in five villages in the nearest district to the STIBA Makassar campus, which is the Moncongloe district.

Before being dispatched to their respective KKN locations, the participating students will undergo six days of preparation, from Tuesday to Friday (24th-27th January 2023), followed by two more days on Monday and Tuesday (30th-31st January 2023).

The official release of the students will be held on Wednesday (1st February 2023) at the Anas bin Malik Mosque. The event will be attended by the Head of the Center for Community Service and Research (P3M) Ustaz Dr. Khairul Akbar, Deputy Rector I for Academic Affairs Ustaz Dr. Kasman Bakry, and the Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D.

In his sermon to the KKN participants, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi reminded his students of the STIBA campus’s slogan: Dakwah and Struggle. He emphasized that as students, and later as alumni, their value would be judged based on their contributions to the propagation of the faith and the struggle for its cause.

Ustaz Akhmad also discussed the stages of learning, emphasizing that knowledge has two stages: marhalatul idkhal and marhalatul ikhraj. He expressed hope that the KKN participants would maintain the distinctive characteristic of STIBA KKN, which is its emphasis on dakwah.

According to the Head of P3M, Ustaz Dr. Khairul Akbar, STIBA Makassar has chosen the form of KKN Pengabdian this year, which is different from the previous two years’ models, which were the Research-Based KKN and Humanitarian KKN.
