(STIBA.ac.id) Makassar – On Monday, September 11, 2023, the Islamic College of Makassar, known as “Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Islam dan Bahasa Arab” (STIBA), established its Management Structure for the period 2023-2027. The confirmation ceremony was conducted by STIBA Makassar’s Chairman, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D., at the Anas bin Malik Mosque. The event was also attended by leaders from the Central Board of Wahdah Islamiyah and the Chairman of STIBA Makassar’s Senate.
During this occasion, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi emphasized the significance of appointing the management team as a sign that the STIBA Makassar organization is functioning effectively. There has been regeneration and changes in the management.
“Hopefully, all the newly appointed members of the management team can fulfill this responsibility to the best of their abilities,” stated Ustaz Akhmad.
In his address, Ustaz Akhmad also revealed a significant change in the management structure of STIBA Makassar. One of the major changes is the merging of the Academic Division with the Student Affairs Division.
“We have combined the Academic Division with the Student Affairs Division to ensure that academic and student activities are balanced. There is no longer a dichotomy between academic and student activities,” Ustaz Akhmad hoped.
Furthermore, other structural changes include the addition of a Secretariat, the Quran and Arabic Language Development and Supervision Center, and the 5M Character Development and Islamic Boarding Center.
“The Secretariat will serve as the planning and development center for STIBA Makassar, including plans for adding study programs and changing STIBA’s status to an institute,” Ustaz Akhmad explained.
The Quran and Arabic Language Development and Supervision Center were established with the aim of improving the quality of Arabic language skills among students.
“The 5M character development and Islamic boarding center aim to enhance the character quality of STIBA Makassar’s students by applying character development based on 5M: Mu’min, Mushlih, Mujahid, Muta’awin, and Mutqin,” he added.
In the Daily Management Meeting (Musyawarah Pengelola Harian – MPH) on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi conveyed that the responsibility given to the management or educational staff is a form of trust from the Chairman of STIBA Makassar.
“The new responsibility shows that there is trust given to you individually or collectively. Choosing personnel to accompany the Chairman of STIBA can actually be decided individually, but it still needs to be discussed. So, what was read yesterday is a form of trust,” he explained.
Ustaz Akhmad also mentioned that this new responsibility indicates the potential in the management assigned to specific units.
“Sometimes, a person has potential, but they may not realize it. Therefore, we hope that their potential matches their new role. Perhaps, at the beginning, some may feel the burden of their new position. But in addition to trust, we also believe that every manager has potential,” he added.
Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi then outlined the general tasks and functions of each unit at STIBA Makassar.
In his closing sermon, he urged all the new managers of STIBA Makassar to work in line with STIBA Makassar’s Strategic Plan (Renstra).
“I also advise that the development of work programs should be guided by the 5M character. Uniformity in work programs between males and females should also be considered. Additionally, all of you need to understand the lines of coordination and command,” he expressed.