Visiting STIBA Makassar, Director of Islamic Higher Education of The Ministry of Religion of Indonesia, Hope School Comparison Study Program Produce Inclusive Students

( Makassar – Strengthening character is the most important and most expensive thing in Islamic-boarding-based educational institutions. One of its forms is the separation of men and women to keep the iffah (modesty). This was conveyed by the Director of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis) of the Ministry of Religion of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Suyitno during […]


STIBA Makassar Extend The Collaboration With Internasional University of Africa Sudan

( Jakarta – STIBA Makassar extended the collaboration with the International University of Africa Sudan, Friday (7 of January 2022) at Sahati Hotel, South Jakarta. Regarding the arrival of an entourage of the International University of Africa Sudan in Indonesia, the collaboration Acceleration Team of STIBA Makassar left for Jakarta to renew the collaboration in […]


STIBA Receives Alumni Assistance Funds Worth More than IDR 120 Million

( Makassar –  Alumni of the Makassar Islamic and Arabic Language College (STIBA) graduates in 2020 and 2021 handed over a number of aid funds to their campus, Monday (30/09/2021). The donation is in the form of funds amounting to Rp120.967.387,00. Chairman of the STIBA Alumni Association, Chamdar Nur, S.H., M.Pd. representing the alumni handed […]


The Head of STIBA Symbolically Releases Students from Community Development Participation (KKN)

( Makassar – Head of STIBA Makassar Ustaz Ahmad Hanafi, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. symbolically releasing STIBA Makassar students who will undergo a Community Development Participation (KKN) period. As with academic activities during the pandemic that took place online, this semester KKN will also be held online. Ustaz Ahmad invited KKN students to focus on the […]


Reviewing David Ausubel’s Theory, STIBA Lecturer Graduated from the Doctoral Program of the Islamic University of Medina with the Summa Cum Laude predicate

( Makassar – As the Makassar College of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language (STIBA) grows older, the number of teaching staff and students has also increased. If at the beginning of its establishment, STIBA only had lecturers with bachelor degree educational qualifications, now there are dozens of lecturers who are postgraduate. Even recently, with the […]


Kuliah Penutup TA. 1420-1421/2019-2020

Closing Lecture, Head of STIBA: Under Any Conditions, We Must Survive

( Makassar – Amid the increasing number of positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia, especially Makassar City, the Chairperson of STIBA Makassar stated his commitment to continue carrying out his activities. Both lecturers and education personnel in all work units will continue to carry out work programs with all the limitations caused by the Covid-19 […]


There is a Senate Chairperson and STIBA Alumnus in the Decree of the Management of the Central Indonesian Council of Religious Scholars (MUI) Commissions

( Makassar – Chairperson of the Senate of STIBA Makassar, Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Yusran Anshar, Lc., M.A. appointed as a member of the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Council of Religious Scholars (MUI) Period 2020-2025. This decision was stipulated in the Decree of the MUI Leadership Council concerning the Composition and Personnel of the Management […]


STIBA Nature Lovers Students (Mapala) Evacuate and Distribute Logistics for Flood Victims

( Makassar – High rainfall for several days caused a part of Makassar City and its surroundings to be flooded. Hundreds of houses were flooded and residents were evacuated to evacuation posts or to the homes of their respective relatives. Several sub-districts, including Biringkanaya, Talamanrea, Manggala, Panakukang, and Tamalate, are among those that have suffered […]


Open Annual Work Conference XV, Chairman of STIBA Reveals Four Gifts of Allah for his Institution

( Makassar – Chairman of STIBA Makassar, Dr. Ahmad Hanafi, Lc., M.A. expressed his gratitude when opening the XV STIBA Makassar Annual Work Conference, Wednesday, Friday 1 late 1442 H (16/12/2020). At least, Ustaz Ahmad mentioned four things which are God’s gifts and should be thanked by all STIBA managers. “The first thing we need […]


Two Lecturers of STIBA Makassar Represent Indonesia in the International Conference on Bela Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

Ustaz Muhammad Ikhwan Djalil, Lc., M.H.I., M.A. and Ustaz Harman Tajang, Lc., M.H.I. representing Indonesian scholars in the International Conference of Islamic Nation Scholars to Support the Prophet ﷺ, Sunday (1/11/2020). The two STIBA Makassar lecturers were participants as well as speakers in the activities organized by the Jordan Ulama and Scholars Association. This International […]
