Collaboration between STIBA Makassar and USIM Malaysia Holds International Webinar on Hadith Science

( Makassar – STIBA Makassar collaborating with USIM Malaysia’s Faculty of Quran and Sunnah Studies held an International Webinar on Hadith Sciences, Thursday (20/10/2022). This event was held online via Zoom Cloud Meeting. Dr. Muhammad Fawwaz, a lecturer in Hadith Science at the Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM), was the first guest speaker. He […]


National Dialogue, Head of STIBA Makassar Affirms Institutional Contribution and Wahdah Islamiyah Strengthens National and Religious Spirit

University College of Islamic Sciences and Arabic Language (STIBA) Makassar and Wahdah Islamiyah held an event of National Dialogue at the hall of Aisyah, STIBA Makassar. This agenda was entitled With Piety and Commitment to the Constitution We Actualize Indonesia in Glory and Harmony. The National Dialogue was attended by a number of national figures, […]

Attending Fifth Graduation of STIBA, Mayor of Makassar Requests Alumni Contributions to Eliminate Divides in the Community

University College of Islamic Sciences and Arabic Language ​​(STIBA) Makassar held an Extraordinary Senate Session for the Fifth Graduate. The graduation procession was attended by 275 consisting of 130 male graduates and 145 female graduates, as stated by the Chairperson of STIBA Makassar Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. in his speech.Besides being attended […]

Attending Munaqasyah, Two Chairs of Kopertais Region VIII Highlights the Quality of Institution and Students of STIBA Makassar

Being chairs Kopertais Region VIII covering Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua, enabled Dr. K.H. Hamzah Harun, M.Ag. (Vice Coordinator of Kopertais Region VIII) and his secretary Dr. H. Nur Taufik Sanusi, M.A. to assess the academic abilities of college students in their working areas. This was conveyed by the two of them while attending Munaqasyah for […]


Study Program of School Comparison of STIBA Acquires Two National Records

Study Program of School Comparison (PM) of STIBA recorded two national records. PM Study Program has the highest number of students and has the most applicants for student admission in Indonesia. This was revealed in the International Seminar and Meeting of the Association of School Comparison and Law Lecturers (ADPMH) of PTKIN and PTKIS throughout […]


The Head of STIBA Inaugurates the Head and Secretary of the Arabic Language Education Program

Head of STIBA Makassar Ustaz Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta, Lc., M.A., Ph.D. inaugurated the head and secretary of the Arabic Language Education Program at Wednesday, 15 Zulkaidah 1443 H (15/06/2022). This inauguration took place after the Zuhur prayer at the Anas bin Malik Mosque witnessed by the entire congregation. Ustaz Dr. Rustam Koly, Lc., M.A. […]


Come Closer, STIBA Announces Student Admission Result, Check Your Name Here

( Makassar – After going through all stages of new students selection, Committee of New Student Admission (PMB) of STIBA Makassar finally released the names of new students who were declared to have passed the imtihan (selection). They are qualified to move to the next stage, namely re-registration. Welcoming the admission of the new students […]


The Committee of STIBA Female Student Dormitory Construction Collect 1.3 Billion in the Last Ten Days of Ramadan as The Form of Community Support

( Makassar – The effort of fundrising for the construction of Female Student Dormitory of STIBA Makassar has entered the second year. Since the starting of the construction in April 2021 by the Mayor of Makassar city, the building has now reached the stage of fifth floor. The budget required to procure one unit of […]


Ready to Dispatch, 333 Students Participate in KKN Training

( Makassar –  STIBA Makassar will again dispatch its students to several areas for KKN (Student Study Service) year V. As many as 333 students will partake in KKN of this year, consisting of 155 males and 178 females. STIBA sent 91 assistants consisting of 62 males and 29 females. Before being officially dispatched, these […]
